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  208. Vanwelkenhuyzen Jean, Pleins feux sur un désastre, Bruxelles, Éditions Racine, 1995 (la synthèse la plus solide, la plus réfléchie).
  209. Vanwelkenhuyzen Jean, “Miracle” à Dunkerque, Bruxelles, Éditions Racine, 1994 (définitif sur la question).
  210. Veranov Michael (ed), The Mammoth Book of the Third Reich at War, New York, Cassoll & Graf, 1997.
  211. Visconti-Prasca (général), La Guerre décisive, Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1935.
  212. Walker Michael M., The 1929 Sino-Soviet War. The War Nobody Knew, Lawrence, Kansas University Press, 2017.
  213. Weigley Russel F., Eisenhower’s Lieutenants. The Campaign of France and Germany 1944-1945, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1991.
  214. Wilcox Vanda (ed.), Italy in the Era of the Great War, Leiden, Brill, 2018.
  215. Winter Denis, Haig’s Command. A Reassessment, Londres, Viking, 1991.
  216. Winton Harold et Mets David (eds.), The Challenge of Change: Military Institutions and New Realities 1918-1941, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 2000.
  217. Woodward David, The American Army and the First World War, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014.
  218. Yelton David K., Hitler’s Volkssturm. The Nazi Militia and the Fall of Germany, 1944-1945, Kansas University Press, 2002.
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