III) Allemagne

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  6. Goerlitz Walter, History of the German General Staff 1657-1945, New York, Praeger, 1953.
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  9. Hull Isabel, Absolute Destruction: Military Culture and the Practice of War in Imperial Germany, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2005.
  10. Jedrysiak Jacek, Prussian Strategic Thought 1815–1830: Beyond Clausewitz, Brill, Leiden, 2020.
  11. Kitchen Martin, A Military History of Germany from the Eighteenth Century to the Present Day, Bloomington-Londres, Indiana University Press, 1975.
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  13. Lemay Benoît, Erich von Manstein, Perrin, Paris, 2010 (1ère ed. 2006).
  14. Lemay Benoît, La guerre totale. Erich Luddendorff, « Tempus », Perrin, Paris, 2014.
  15. Masson Philippe, Histoire de l’armée allemande 1939-1945, Paris, Perrin, 1994.
  16. Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Handbuch zur deutschen Militärges­chichte, Munich, 6 vol., 1979-1981.
  17. Ritter Gerhard, The Sword and the Scepter. The Problem of Militarism in Germany, Coral Gables, University of Miami Press, 4 vol., 1969-1973 (original allemand de ce classique 1954-1968).
  18. Shurkin Michael, Setting Priorities in an Age of Austerity. British, French and German Experiences, RAND Corp., Santa Monica, 2013.
  19. Yelton David K., Hitler’s Volkssturm. The Nazi Militia and the Fall of Germany, 1944-1945, Kansas University Press, 2002.
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